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SIGRE Informa

In this quarterly newsletter you can find the latest news about our activity.

We already have more than 11,000 subscribers! Are you in?

Other bulletins


The collaboration of all of us is essential to properly close the life cycle of medicines and ensure that their waste does not harm the environment.

From SIGRE, through our campaigns and awareness programmes, we promote the proper use of medicines and the correct disposal of their waste. Do you want to know our latest campaigns?

  • Reciclar es el mejor tratamiento para el planeta

    Deposita los residuos de medicamentos y sus envases en el Punto SIGRE de la farmacia

  • La medicina para el planeta es reciclar

    Recicla los medicamentos y sus envases

  • Tú tienes la receta para cuidar el planeta

    SIGRE pone al ciudadano en el centro de su nueva campaña


Sustainability Reports

Here you can access our Sustainability Reports. Through these publications we make available to all our stakeholders the results achieved and show our firm commitment to environmental sustainability and the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Opinion polls

In order to measure the degree of knowledge about SIGRE's activity and to be able to detect possible areas for improvement, we regularly carry out opinion polls among our stakeholders.

Find out the most important data from the latest surveys conducted among citizens, pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies:


  • Do you consider it harmful to the environment to throw leftover medicines in the trash?
    Do you consider it harmful to the environment to throw leftover medicines in the trash?
  • How many times in a year do you usually deposit waste at the Punto SIGRE?
    How many times in a year do you usually deposit waste at the Punto SIGRE?
  • Did you know that antibiotics that are not disposed of properly contribute to the development and spread of antibiotic resistance?
    Did you know that antibiotics that are not disposed of properly contribute to the development and spread of antibiotic resistance?
  • Do you think that caring for the environment is important for our health?
    Do you think that caring for the environment is important for our health?

Click to enlarge


  • Do you think that the pharmacy is the ideal place to locate the Punto SIGRE?
    Do you think that the pharmacy is the ideal place to locate the Punto SIGRE?
  • Do you think that the location of the Punto SIGRE in the pharmacy contributes to improving the pharmacist's image in society and shows his or her commitment to the environment?
    Do you think that the location of the Punto SIGRE in the pharmacy contributes to improving the pharmacist's image in society and shows his or her commitment to the environment?
  • Since the implementation of the selective collection of packaging and medicine residues and the installation of SIGRE Points in pharmacies, how do you rate the management of SIGRE?
    Since the implementation of the selective collection of packaging and medicine residues and the installation of SIGRE Points in pharmacies, how do you rate the management of SIGRE?
  • Do you consider that you have enough information available to answer citizens' questions about what can be deposited at the Punto SIGRE?
    Do you consider that you have enough information available to answer citizens' questions about what can be deposited at the Punto SIGRE?

Click to enlarge

Pharmaceutical companies

  • Do you believe that SIGRE contributes to publicly show the pharmaceutical industry's commitment to the environment?
    Do you believe that SIGRE contributes to publicly show the pharmaceutical industry's commitment to the environment?
  • Considera que SIGRE realizar una gestión responsable
    Considera que SIGRE realizar una gestión responsable
  • SIGRE's contribution to the circular economy
    SIGRE's contribution to the circular economy
  • Assessment of SIGRE's work to raise awareness of eco-design work on pharmaceutical packaging
    Assessment of SIGRE's work to raise awareness of eco-design work on pharmaceutical packaging

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Además, también llevamos a cabo sondeos de opinión dirigidos a los laboratorios adheridos. El objetivo es conocer y evaluar su grado de satisfacción con el trabajo y el servicio prestado por parte SIGRE. Puedes acceder al último informe aquí: