Why and how to apply for the Punto SIGRE

The pharmacy is presented as the ideal place for the collection of medicine waste, due to the association that is created between point of sale and collection, the trust that pharmacists arouse among citizens and the proximity, convenience and safety that these establishments offer to the public.

By participating in SIGRE, pharmacists fulfil their environmental obligations as dispensers of medicines, assuming the principle of shared responsibility. Thanks to the network of pharmacies, the Punto SIGRE is available to citizens close to their homes and the life cycle of the medicine is closed.

According to health regulations, waste medicines deposited at the Punto SIGRE may under no circumstances be used for donations, and it is also forbidden to dispense, sell or market any medicine that is returned or handed in by patients or the general public to pharmacies.

The role of the pharmacist is key, as not only do they advise and inform citizens on the proper use and consumption of medicines, but they have also adopted a very important environmental role by encouraging patients to recycle this waste correctly by depositing it at the Punto SIGRE.

Below is a form to request, free of charge, a Punto SIGRE for the pharmacy:

Newly opened pharmacy*

Materials of the Punto SIGRE:

  • White container
  • White container key
  • Brochures-holder
  • Consumer information brochures
  • Roll of SIGRE bags
  • Collaborating Pharmacy Sticker

By clicking on the "Send" button, I request the SIGRE membership of the pharmacy whose ownership I hold as a Collaborating Pharmacy, committing myself to take care of the Punto SIGRE and to communicate any incident or damage that any of the elements that compose it may suffer.

The Punto SIGRE in the pharmacy

The Punto SIGRE is the white container located inside pharmacies, as it has been chosen by the health and environmental authorities as the most suitable location.

In addition, this container has been authorised by the Environment Departments of the different Autonomous Communities and Cities.

Practical aspects of community pharmacists' participation in SIGRE

  • The container should always be inside the premises, in an area accessible to the public, never on the street.
  • It must be ensured that the sticker reminding of the prohibition to deposit needles is clearly visible.
  • It is strictly forbidden to remove or manipulate the waste deposited by citizens at the Punto SIGRE.
  • Avoid overflowing the container and overfilling the bags to facilitate their subsequent removal and transport by pharmaceutical distribution.
  • Only in exceptional cases, in order to avoid the risks of overfilling the container, the pharmacist may remove the bag containing the medicine waste.
  • The removal of bags from the Punto SIGRE is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical distributor. The pharmacist must request their withdrawal from the distributor's delivery person, who will be responsible for replacing them with a new bag.
  • Advises the citizen on what should and should not be deposited at the Punto SIGRE. Remember that only expired, unused medicines and empty containers, including boxes, should be deposited.
  • Place in the brochures-holder of the container the brochures that SIGRE sends periodically with different information for citizens.
  • If clinical analyses or diagnostic tests are performed that require the use of needles or reagents, neither the waste nor the needles should be deposited at the Punto SIGRE.

This Diploma is intended to distinguish pharmacists who demonstrate extensive knowledge of the functioning of the system for managing drug waste generated in homes. To this end, we have designed the following test, based on the Practical Guide to the Punto SIGRE, through which the Diploma of expert in the Punto SIGRE can be obtained:

Pharmacist's details

The Diploma will be issued with the data you enter in this field. Please check that your name is spelled correctly.

Pharmacy data

Ha tenido 6 respuestas correctas. El nivel mínimo de respuestas válidas para obtener el Diploma de Experto en el Punto SIGRE de 7.

Repase, por favor, los aciertos y errores que ha tenido y vuelva a realizar el test para conseguir el diploma

Enhorabuena, ha superado la prueba de conocimiento

Ha obtenido 6 aciertos en 10 preguntas.
A continuación puede descargarse su Diploma de Experto en el Punto SIGRE.

Muchas gracias por su colaboración

Descargar diploma
¿Se pueden depositar agujas en el Punto SIGRE?
¿Cómo cumple la farmacia con la normativa medioambiental en la preparación de los Sistemas Personalizados de Dosificación SPD?
¿Se pueden donar los restos de medicamentos procedentes de los domicilios particulares?
¿Qué se hace con los envases que el ciudadano deposita en el Punto SIGRE?
¿Qué se hace con los restos de medicamentos que el ciudadano deposita en el Punto SIGRE?
¿Qué se debe hacer con los envases y con los restos de productos químicos y reactivos catalogados como peligrosos que se usan en la elaboración de fórmulas magistrales?
¿Qué referencia hay del Punto SIGRE en los prospectos de los medicamentos?
¿Puede el farmacéutico sacar los envases de la bolsa SIGRE?
¿Qué hay que depositar en el Punto SIGRE?
¿Dónde debe estar situado el Punto SIGRE en la farmacia?


We are firmly committed to caring for the environment and work to promote environmental initiatives. This commitment has given rise to the interactive website ecoPHARMACY, which compiles a total of 77 good practices that pharmacies can implement in their daily activities.

These measures are classified into four areas of action:

  • Efficient use of energy
  • Water saving
  • Optimisation of resources
  • Responsible use of goods and services